The Studios Newquay Term Dates 2019-20:
SUMMER TERM: April 22nd - 25th July 2019 (Half Term 27th May– 31st May) (13 weeks)
AUTUMN TERM: Sep 2nd– 20th December 2019 (Mid-term break 21st Oct– 25th Oct) (15 wks)
SPRING TERM: Jan 6th – 27th March 2020 (Mid-term break 17th Feb– 21st Feb) (11 wks)
Who should sign up for what?
2- 4 years: MUSIC and MOVEMENT CLASS- For our mini singers and musicians we recommend this music and movement class. The will be singing, clapping, speaking for 20 minutes and then on to our dancing and movement for 20 minutes with 5 minute free time at the end of the class. This Class take place during the day mid week.
4-6 years: VOICE - For our youngest singers and musicians we recommend our singing class, start them early and help them communicate at school and build confidence. This takes place after school during the week.
7-15 years: MAIN GROUPS - There are many groups in our main ages and this is for all types of Individuals, who want to sing and play as part of group lessons, These are highly recommended for teen boys and girls as mentorship can positively impact their personal as well as vocal development throughout their teenage years.
16+ years: SONGWRITERS CLASS - This is a unique class offering workshop style class to help our singers and musicians build their songwriting skills. Everyone in this class is open to collaboration.
Adults: QUAY SINGERS - is a brilliant group for developing your harmony singing and meeting other like-minded singing enthusiasts, Workshop days are also added in to showcase you and build your confidence!
THEORY/MUSICIANSHIP - For every on doing 1 to 1 lessons I would also suggest the musicianship class. If you hope to pursue music professionally or would like to complete your grades then this is for you.